Nuniek Mawardi is a practitioner in fashion industry. Her background as a bachelor of industrial engineering makes her comprehend the needs in moslem fashion that has to evolve as an industry.
To support Indonesia as the center of world moslem fashion, Nuniek Mawardi develops by involved with competitions and wins championship in the field of fashion in local as well in national. Cultivation and manipulation fabric and draping technique become the supremacy of Nuniek Mawardi Label, her collections are characterized by moslem contemporary modest fashion with ethnic accent. Her works can been seen in runway in Paris, London, Japan, Bangkok, Singapore, and Shanghai.

Aside from being Nuniek Mawardi Label's owner, this designer also dedicated herself as a lecturer in Maranatha Christian University, as well as founder and lecturer in Islamic Fashion Institute.
Apart from all mentioned above, Nuniek Mawardi has been trusted as fashion consultant in capital city's magazine, trainer of IKM & UKM (Small and Medium Enterprises), curator of Jabar Ngegaya and Asian African Carnaval, interviewee in FGD (Focus Group Discussion) fashion section with BEKRAF, also an assessor in fashion competence.

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